Sunday, March 3, 2013

Organized Cleaing Schedule

Do you know what is always getting in the way of me having some fun by organizing?


I like this photo because it looks like the bottles of cleaner are sad that they are stuck inside cleaning instead of playing outside.


One of my goals for 2013 is to come up with a way to stay on top of keeping things clean with minimal effort. My usual system looks something like this:
A) Spend an entire weekend exhausting myself by cleaning all the things!
B) Fail to clean all the things -or-
Clean all the things and then not clean ANYTHING for the next month because I earned it!
C) Repeat

This system has several problems.
A) It stinks to spend a weekend cleaning instead of relaxing
B) It's impossible to clean an entire home in 2 days while taking care of a toddler
C) Some things need to be cleaned more often than once a month!

I have also tried schedules of different things that I need to clean on different days of the week. But the problem with that was if I missed a day I felt like I had to double up the next day. And then I would quit.

I think I have finally come up with a system that works for me! I am so excited and can't wait to share it with you!

Step 1
Make a list of daily chores. These are things you try to do every day. Don't get too crazy with this list. It shouldn't take more than 30 minutes. Set a timer!

My daily list looks like this:

  • wash and put away dishes
  • wipe off table and high chair
  • wipe kitchen counters
  • pick up/put away
  • wipe bathroom sink/counter
  • scoop litterboxes (if needed)
  • take out trash (if needed)
For me, the key to sticking with this is to not stress if I miss some now and then... there's always the next day.

Step 2
Make a list of the rooms in your house that need cleaning. Depending on how many, you might have a one or two week rotation. I came up with five and assigned them to Monday-Friday. Exclude weekends from this schedule!

Here's what my rotational list looks like:
  • Monday: Bathrooms
  • Tuesday: Dining Room/Living Room
  • Wednesday: Master Bedroom
  • Thursday: Kitchen
  • Friday: Guest Bedroom
I consolidated the two bathrooms because while I have supplies out, I might as well clean two toilets, two mirrors, etc. I did the same with the living & dining rooms since they are a big open area.

Step 3
Make a list of the things that need to be cleaned in each room. Then, on the day of the week assigned to that room, spend no more than 30 minutes checking off one or two things on the list for that room. DO NOT clean the whole room! Just a manageable chunk! The goal is to clean everything on the list once a month. But again, don't stress if you don't! Just start the next month with the things you didn't get to the previous month.

As an example, here's what my bathroom list looks like:
  • Clean tubs
  • Clean mirrors
  • Sweep and Swiffer Wet Jet
  • Clean litterboxes and replace litter
  • Clean toilets
  • Dust vents and lights
  • Dust baseboards
  • Clean window and windowsill
  • Wash shower curtains and liners
I think what makes this system work for me is that I would NEVER do everything on that list on a weeknight. But just one or two? No problem! Just like breaking organizing into manageable chunks works,  breaking cleaning into manageable chunks works! I would much rather clean for an hour 5 days a week than an entire weekend! I definitely think the best part is that more of my weekends are free for fun with family and friends (and organizing projects)! That motivates me to get the cleaning done after work.

Do you use a cleaning schedule? What works for you? Also, I'd love to know your favorite cleaning products. I personally was amazed when I removed a rust stain from my shower with Mr. Clean Magic Eraser and can't imagine dusting without my Swiffer Duster!

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