Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Bathroom Bliss Part 2

After our son was born, we had our mom's helping with laundry/putting things away, and we were too tired to put things back where they belong our selves, so our linen closet became organized by the "stuff things where they fit" method. I basically took everything out so I could put it back in with a plan. I also edited out what we put back in. We got rid of some things like our rusty old shower caddy that we haven't used since we moved in 3 years ago and expired medicines. By the time I was done, I had a brown paper grocery bag overflowing with trash.

The top shelf has less frequently used items like beach towels, extra crib sheets, nail polish, and a basket of hair accessories.

Below that, we have burp cloths, my "second bathroom drawer", a small basket with extra razor blades, a basket of medicine, and a basket of travel sized toiletries. The basket I refer to as my "second bathroom drawer" is a basket with a handle that I pull out while I am getting ready and then put back in the closet. It prevents a lot of items from cluttering up the counter. It holds things like my hairbrush, contact solution, and glasses case.

The third shelf down has some drawers that used to be below the sink where you couldn't even open the bottom one. They hold nail clippers, first aid items, and make up. The basket to the right of them holds extra items from packages that come with more than one. 

Then on the lower shelves we have towels, sheets, and cleaning supplies. I plan on putting a child proof door knob cover on this door once our son is opening doors on his own.

The sheets I have sorted in stacks by which bed they fit on. Towels are also sorted by size. I relocated the old towels we don't really use under the sink so that the ones we use fit in here. I still like to keep old towels around because they come in handy for cleaning up big messes.

The back of our bathroom door also needed a little help. We have these handy hooks from my college days, but too much stuff had accumulated there, including my Mary Kay travel bag I hadn't used since December. Now it holds just my winter and summer robes. I think the winter one was in the wash when I took this picture.

It was difficult to photograph under the sink, but it mainly holds less used items. I also tried to put baby safe items under there since it will be tricky to install child safety locks on all 4 cabinets due to the material they are made of and the fact that we are renters. So we have old towels and extra toilet paper under there, as well as our travel toiletry bags. There are no crazy chemicals or medicines for our son or cats to get into.

We have been doing a pretty good job of keeping our bathroom organized. Having things in places that make sense makes all the difference!

Do you have any tips for getting and/or keeping a bathroom organized? We would love to hear them!

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