Thursday, March 1, 2012

Closet clean out, part 2

As I mentioned yesterday, we finished cleaning out or closet! Man, it feels good seeing that crossed off my list.

Master bedroom
Master closet

In this first picture, you can see how my clothes are organized now. I have my shoe shelves, skirts, pants, and dresses hanging in the back since that is the only floor length hanging space. The top bar on the right is where I hang my shirts, sorted by sleeve length. On the very far left, I have a few shirts that are a little too small but should fit (and I will want to wear) when I lose the rest of my baby weight. I even made a little divider to separate those from the clothes that fit me now but cutting a slit in an index card and writing on it.

Below my clothes, I have a my "dresser" which consists of three plastic drawers. The top one holds bras and undies, the middle one holds pjs, and the bottom one holds socks, tights, and workout clothes. I got rid of a ton of clothes, as you saw in closet clean out, part 1. This even included perfectly good socks because I have way more than I wear. I used to think unless something was broken/worn out/completely out of style I should keep it. But now I'm realizing there is no reason to keep perfectly good clothes and items if I never use them. They just take up space and cause stress!

The shelf in the back of the closet holds my scrapbooks, sewing supplies, and pants I will wear again after I lose a little more baby weight. On the floor way back in the right corner, there is a ton of space but it is hard to get to because of the clothes hanging up. I currently have a big clear plastic storage bin back there where I have started to store keepsake items so they are all in once place. It works well since I don't need to access it very often.

Here you can see my shoe shelves better. My flip flops and slippers are in the pockets on the side of the shelves. The only shoes not on my shelves are my tennis shoes and three pairs of boots. I even have an empty shelf, begging for new shoes! I tried out at tip I read about recently for keeping my boots from flopping over by rolling up magazines and tucking them inside. It works extremely well!

I consolidated and better organized the stuff on the top shelf of our closet too. There is even some extra room now! I stacked up shorter boxes, and filled the yaffa block with bags so that they aren't spread out across the shelf. Less used items are up here since it is difficult to reach without a step stool.

I moved my scarves, belts, and purses to hangers on the wall which gave me more shelf and hanging space. The scarves and belts are hanging from a tie holder. The bags are hanging from my Handy Hold All that I mentioned in my post about the gift of organization.

Here you can see some of my husband's organized clothes closer to the front of the closet. He has even more hanging above these, but I've learned it is quite difficult to take pictures inside a narrow closet! I love having his clothes in the closet instead of piles on the bedroom floor! This is my motivation to keep up with his laundry.

At the very front right section of the closet, my husband has his "dresser" made from silver shelves and Martha Stewart fabric bins. He wouldn't let me label them, even though I asked nicely. If they were mine they would totally have cute labels. Some day, when we have our own bedroom and a real dresser, these can be used for toy storage!

Here's the entire closet! Cleaning it out taught me that big closets might not be as good as I once thought... they just accumulate more stuff! In this shot you can see my hamper in the back. My husband uses a laundry basket in front of his dresser as his hamper. I also had room to put our box fan and a smaller oscillating fan in the closet instead of on the bedroom floor.

Here's the before photo again for comparison. Yay, floor!

The difference is even bigger than what these photos can capture when it comes to functionality! Half of our clothes weren't even in the closet in these before pictures. Do you keep your closet organized or does it need some work?

We are a little behind schedule on the bedroom, but is about 80% finished and the plan is to make it 100% finished this weekend so we can start on March's space.

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