Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Laundry fix

This is an update to my previous Laundry Fail post, where my son's bibs were tragically stained by carrots. After writing that post, I received some great suggestions including:
  • Use Oxi Clean powder and make a paste. Let it set, then wash until clean.
  • Use Baby Oxi Clean in the machine and then spray Dreft stain remover on the stains.
  • For really bad stains, soak clothes in Cascade or Ivory liquid soap in the sink. This can even get oil out of clothes.
  • Take his shirt off if it is messy!
I decided to try the Baby Oxi Clean powder, but Kroger didn't have it, so I got the regular liquid Oxi Clean instead. I poured some directly on the stains, let it set for about 10 minutes, and then washed the bibs in cool water.

When I pulled them out the first time, they didn't look much better. I let them air dry and then repeated the process several days later. This produced much better results! The stains are still there, but MUCH lighter. I let them air dry again to prevent the stains from really setting it, so I might repeat the process one more time. Here's how they look now.

For comparison, here is the before picture again.

The lessons I learned from this experience are:
1) Carrots stain!
2) I don't like white bibs. Bibs should only come in black to make life easier on moms.
3) Oxi Clean is my friend.
4) Babies don't need to wear clothes to eat (duh)! I tried that the last time I fed my baby dude carrots and it made clean up so easy.

I hope you can learn from my laundry fail! Have you ever saved any clothes you thought were ruined? Do you also care way too much about how clean your baby's bibs look? I mean, their purpose is to keep clothes clean, so it is their job to get dirty!

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