Monday, February 13, 2012

No more chest of chaos

The dresser chest of drawers in our bedroom had become quite a mess. I always call it a dresser and it drives my husband nuts! This is where we store baby clothes and baby blankets since our closets are full. Some of the drawers were overstuffed and wouldn't close all the way. Plus, some random items had accumulated on top.

To organize it, I started by taking out all of the clothes and separating the too small newborn and 0-3 month clothes. *tear* Since I would love to have one more bambino someday, we are going to store it for now. I grabbed this gray tub that was empty after our trip to Half Price Books and filled it up. It also holds my maternity clothes, the newborn sling for the tub, and the newborn insert for the car seat. I'm going to label it once it is full and put it in the guest closet or storage unit once we clean those out and make room.

Since Mr. Baby is almost to big for his 3-6 month clothes, I cut all the tags off his 6-9 month clothes and washed them. They were in a bag in our guest bedroom still and always getting in the way. Then I filled the drawers back up in a more organized fashion.

Drawer 1: 3-6 month clothes, socks (corralled in a ziploc container that had lost its lid), shoes, and hats

Drawer 2: 6-9 month clothes

Drawer 3: PJs with 3-6 month size on the left and 6-9 month size on the right

Drawer 4: Blankies and some 18-24 month pants my mom scored for next to nothing at a garage sale.

Now the drawers are all set until he grows more! We definitely need to be on the look out for 9-12 month summer clothes. We love finding good deals instead of paying full price and the clothes we got as baby gifts will all be outgrown in another 3-4 months! Although if this summer is anything like last summer, Mr. Baby might be happiest in just his diaper anyway. It was a record-breaking 110 degrees on the day he was born!

The last step in organizing the dresser was de-cluttering the top. The bibs were moved to the kitchen so I no longer have to make that annoying dash to the bedroom. I also put some baby washcloths in there since I use them to clean his hands and face after he eats. The picture above the dresser was way too high and off center now since it used to hang over a TV, so I re-hung it.

Doesn't it look so much prettier now!? I love it and hope we can keep it this way.

We are a little behind on this month's rooms since I was busy scoring an awesome new job and my mother-in-law was visiting, but we hope to catch up and stay on schedule!

Have you organized any drawers lately? Do you leave pictures hanging in random spots for months after re-arranging furniture? Does packing up baby clothes make you cry too?


  1. I moved back in September and hung pictures on random nails the previous people had left in the wall, all of my pictures are crooked and i haven't done anything about it yet! ugh, thanks for the reminder

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one! We moved our bed over almost a year ago and I still haven't re-centered the painting over it.

  2. I love you posts. I do cry when packing up baby clothes. I have done it a few times, but it is still New every time.
    They do grow so fast.
    SO, 9-12 summer huh? Lets see what we can do about that! Many blessings.
