Monday, January 2, 2012

I have a dream...

...a dream of living in an organized home! I realize it's unlikely my place will ever look like a page out of a magazine or a photo on Pinterest, but it could be so much better than it is currently.

My biggest goal for 2012 is to simplify! I need to de-clutter and come up with storage and organization systems that are easy to use. I am starting this blog to track my progress and share tips I come across.

I used to be a very organized person. After getting married, landing a job with more overtime than expected, and having a baby, things have become out-of-hand! I am tired of tripping over laundry piles and knocking over towers of papers!

My husband and I decided to break things down into manageable chunks as we go through everything we own and decide what we really need.

Here's the six-month de-cluttering plan:

Living room
Dining room
Hall closet

Master bedroom
Master closet

Guest bedroom
Guest closet

Master bathroom
Guest bathroom
Storage unit

Laundry room

Have a garage sale? I'm starting to lean more towards taking things to Goodwill and Half Price Books or selling them on Craigslist as we go to get them out of here faster.

Of course, each month we will be breaking this down even further. I think the key is going to be creating a lot of small projects instead of trying to tackle it all in one day. As much as I want to do that, I don't think it's even possible. It took 3 years for our 2-bedroom apartment to become crowded with stuff, so it's going to take a while to get it under control.

Why a six-month plan? Before we know it our 5-month old will be walking and exploring everything! That's some motivation! He will be crawling even sooner, but what he can reach will be limited at least. And over the next three months we will be tackling the areas he spends the most time in.

So, here's to a year of organization!

Because as much as images like this make me smile...

...having a pantry like this would make me as excited as winning the lottery!

What are your goals for 2012? Any tips for keeping momentum up during a big project?

Images courtesy of Linda & Harriet, Etsy, and The Perfect Pantry.

1 comment:

  1. NOTE FROM "The Husband": I'm excited to get "organizey" too. In my mind, I've always pictured that word being spelled "organizie." Let me say from the start that I am thoroughly supportive of my wife's ideas in our venture toward organizational bliss... I love her organization; it makes my life better!! So glad she lets me have input on the kitchen ...I'm glad she also lets me arrange things as the head-chef in our household when function needs to dictate form....I can't imagine how we will compromise on her dream pantry. Form and function don't always see eye-to-eye...there's gonna be some serious arrangin' and re-arrangin' before that one's all done!!
